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Articles and Research

Disclaimer: please read. Feldenkrais Toronto West has provided resource information, through website links, on the Feldenkrais Method®. The information contained within this website, includes summaries and abstracts and is not to replace medical advice and medical treatment. The information is for educational purposes only. The resource links, summary/abstract descriptions and information listed on this website, uses wording obtained directly from the publication, and may not necessarily be comprehensive. As such, any information acquired from this website and resource links should be used in conjunction with other available resources and with the advice of healthcare professionals. This website and its content are provided on an “as is” basis. Feldenkrais Toronto West makes no representations about the accuracy, reliability, completeness, up-to-date information, or timeliness of any of the resource links listed nor of their summary descriptions. These resource links to websites/articles/documents are provided as a resource for your own personal educational purposes only. These resource links do not necessarily represent the opinions of the owner of this website - Feldenkrais Toronto West. The names of research/document authors, and Feldenkrais® trainers and practitioners and their studios, are provided solely as a database of available resources.  Their inclusion on this website should not, in any way, be construed as a referral or confirmation of professional credentials.  For articles/documents in a different language Google Translate offers translation.  As with all internet connections, one should be protected by an effective antivirus program.  As websites are constantly undergoing revisions, this website and Feldenkrais Toronto West accepts no responsibility for these website links and cannot provide any assurance that future website changes may include some issues or problems. Please ensure that your computer is always protected with an effective antivirus program.

Sue Seto, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner in Toronto Durham Region Clarington. Free classes and recordings for osteoporosis, arthritis, pelvic and hip pain, pelvic floor issues, vision, eye problems and balance concerns. Moving better for fall prevention and stop falling. Movement classes, water aerobics and aquafit for natural pain relief, improve movement and mobility.  Freeing neck and shoulders for whiplash and stiffness.  Manage stroke symptoms, neurological movement disorders, eating disorders, depression and reduce anxiety and stress. Improve mobility, balance, increase range of motion with joint pain, knee and hip replacement, poor posture, injuries.  Reduce relieve back pain, hip and knee pain for better walking and posture. Improve judo, martial arts, Qi Gong and Tai chi. On-line classes, private lessons. Better movement in ankles, feet and shoulder for better driving. Feel better naturally at home fast, stop pain to improve walking, golf, fencing, skiing, hiking.
Sue Seto, Toronto, Durham Region, Clarington

Call or Text

647 286-3736

© Copyright.  This website and all of the associated pages are copyright of Feldenkrais® Toronto, Durham Region, Clarington for the design and format and personal audio, images and video.

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