Feldenkrais® Method Toronto, Durham Region and Clarington
Call or text 647 286-3736 sue@feldenkraistorontowest.com
Group Class Schedule
Private Functional Integration® Sessions can be scheduled
Telephone consults are welcome
647 286-3736
I teach to all levels.
Online through Zoom
All times are Eastern Time, and are
1 hour in length
Upon registration a Zoom link is provided
Group on-line classes
All classes are 1 hour in length and at Eastern Time zone:
Tuesdays at 8:00 pm
Wednesdays at 11:30 am
Saturdays at 10:00 am
Drop-in Classes:
1) The Drop-in class fee is $20.00 per 1 hour class,
2) As a gift, each registered participant receives a 7 day class replay.
Class Bundle:
1) Bundle rates are for 2 months or more.
2) The Bundle rate is at $15.00 per class.
3) As a gift to promote your learning, a seven-day replay is provided for each registered class.
4) Bundle holders are welcome to switch classes within that Bundle timeframe.
5) There are no class carryovers to the next Bundle.
September - October 2024 Bundle
No classes September 7, 10 and 11th.
Tuesday Bundle has 8 classes and is $120.00
Wednesday Bundle has 8 classes and is $120.00
Saturday Bundle has 7 classes and is $105.00
$15 per class for the bundle holders
Tuesday 8:00 pm
Bundle - 8 weekly classes x $15 = $120
September 3, 17, 24 October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29.
(No class Tuesday September 10th)
Wednesday 11:30 am
Bundle - 8 weekly classes x $15 = $120
September 4, 18, 25 October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30.
(No class Wednesday September 11th)
Saturday 10:00 am
Bundle - 7 weekly classes x $15 = $105
September 14, 21, 28 October 5, 12, 19, 26.
(No class Saturday September 7th)
How to register:
For those who register through me, please send me an e-transfer to
sue@feldenkraistorontowest.com. This works for those who reside in Canada.
If you are outside of Canada, please contact Sue for registration at 647 286-3736 or by email sue@feldenkraistorontowest.com
Discovery Session
Discovery sessions are designed to delve into your expectations and goals, to discover how this method can be of benefit to you.
We will have a discussion and a lesson.
This first session is usually 1 hour to 1.5 hours.
Private Online and In Person Sessions
These sessions are for personal assistance addressing specific concerns.
Please contact Sue to arrange a Private Session (Functional Integration®).
Payments are made through E-transfer or by cheque.
Call Sue if you have questions.
647 286-3736